Puerto Rico Coffee Shop - Choose from our selection of true & delicious coffee from Puerto Rico.

Puerto Rico Coffee History

Coffee was introduced to the "New World" in 1723 to the Caribbean Island of Martinique by a Frenchman. It is said, to be the primary source of most if not all of today's Arabica bean coffee trees in the New World. Shortly thereafter, in 1736, it was brought into the island of Puerto Rico, because of the ideal geographical location, soil conditions, mountainous terrain and unique soil conditions favorable for growing coffee. It soon became a major export produce to Europe, and one of the most important cash crops on the island. Eventually, Puerto Rico developed into one of the worlds most important producers of fine coffee, a status which it lost, after the devastation of its coffee crop by several major hurricanes. Nonetheless, coffee cultivation and production has survived and is heavily treasured by many. It has been said, that the word coffee, "café", in Spanish, derived from the word "qahwa", which means wine. But it has also been said that the word originated from Caffa, a province of Abyssinia. However, when coffee reached Europe in the beginning of the 17th century, it was called the "Wine of Arabia", for the exhilarating sensation that it produced in whomever consumed it. It has several medicinal attributes, among these, the suppression of asthma attacks, treatment of heart disease, ascites, pleuritic disorders, it is a powerful diuretic, a mild laxative and popularly used today, for inebriety. The leaves of the coffee trees contain the most caffeine and has been used for infusions. The amount of caffeine in coffee is dependent of the amount of roast it has been subjected to. The darker the roast the less caffeine it will have. In the Caribbean islands of Puerto Rico, Jamaica, Haiti & the Dominican Republic, coffee is typically grown at altitudes ranging from 1000 to 3500 ft. and higher. It is processed by the traditional 24 hr wet fermentation, wash & 5 to 7 day sun drying method. It possesses a characteristic gentle flavor of the region in which they are grown, is softly or agreeably acidic and typically medium to dark roasted to enhance its hint of cocoa like flavor & pleasant palatable after taste, making it a favorite morning and after dinner coffee. Some coffee beans, particularly the peaberry or "Caracolillo" taken from the Spanish word "Caracol", which translates into seashell (the shape of the the single lobed coffee bean), is dark roasted to bring out its inner secrets. Jamaica and Puerto Rico have the rich bauxite soil and geographical location suited for coffee growing. This makes Jamaican Blue Mountain & Puerto Rican coffee very similar, in terms of texture, taste & quality. In terms of costs, however Puerto Rico is the best deal. In the early 20th Century, Puerto Rican Coffee, was served in official state dinners at the White House, by the devout coffee lover, USA President, Theodore Roosevelt, who termed it as "Grand", and The Coffee of Popes & Kings by the Roman Catholic Vatican Church.

Puerto Rico's most popular coffees are available here in our web at PuertoRicoCoffeeShop.com., most are local or regional coffees completely unknown outside of Puerto Rico. Also available, is the world famous Alto Grande, one of the three Super Premium Coffees in the world. Puerto Rican coffee replaced Jamaican Blue Mountain in much of the market in Japan, after its coffee production was crippled due to hurricane damage. It has remained as a preference to once Jamaican clients and it is currently served in many of the finest restaurants of Japan, recapturing its rightful place in the world, as one of the best coffees. Our commitment, to make Puerto Rican Coffee be known again to the entire world. Has faced many challenges in this endeavor, due mostly to the lack of the taste experience by would be coffee connoisseurs, but is persistently continuing his adamant pursuit of making Puerto Rico's unique coffee, famous once again.


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