Rioja Espresso Coffee 7oz - Reviews

Rioja Espresso Coffee 7oz

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average rating 100%
Rioja Coffee 12/18/2020
By Nelson Sanchez Esquerdo
Si. It arrived last Monday. Ya lo estoy disfrutando Gracias mil!!!
average rating 100%
Rico Espresso Coffee 09/20/2019
By Martha Kingsbury
Yes. Gracias. It’s delicious
average rating 100%
Rico Coffee 08/30/2019
By Susan Maldonado
Hi, I received it fast and it is delicious as usual!!
average rating 100%
Rioja 05/02/2019
By Melissa Jones
Yes thank you.

average rating 100%
He recibido el cafe y, como siempre, me gusta mucho! 09/10/2018
By Elliott Lessen
He recibido el cafe y, como siempre, me gusta mucho!
average rating 100%
Llegan el cafe!! Me gustan! 03/02/2018
By Elliott Lessen
Llegan el cafe!! Me gustan!
average rating 100%
Everything arrived last week with no problems. Thank you! Jason 02/11/2018
By Jason Shumate
Everything arrived last week with no problems. Thank you!
average rating 100%
Great taste 10/16/2017
By maritza santiago
Love this coffee has a great taste will buy over and over again
I don’t have it in my state but I will order
average rating 80%
Delivery 10/16/2017
By maritza santiago
Fast respond and great service
average rating 100%
yes and thank you 10/10/2017
By Hubert Fernande
yes and thank you