Impressive05/29/2024 ByDamian Portela I love coffee from PUERTO RICO, and I have to say this is my new favorite coffee. It’s flavor is strong yet there is no bitterness, and it’s extra smooth. Love it
Tremendo cafe07/24/2023 Bynathalie henin We loved it
the best01/10/2023 ByJames Buhl Hello, yes I received my order, Thank you
Thank you!08/08/2022 ByPeter Van Buren Thank you!
Light to medium09/11/2021 ByJonah Olivo This bean is a light brown in color and it has a medium to light sort of flavor in the roast. It’s definitely not a strong cup of coffee. If you’d like a light to medium roast in flavor this would probably be up your alley. Personally I think the beans were a little less fresh by the slight earthiness of the smell, but I’m not sure.I made 10 cups of coffee in a pot twice in a row trying to get a more bold or stronger cup of coffee and I just could not do it. So this particular coffee is not for me. If it was the only thing I had to choose from I would make do, but there are many other Puerto Rican coffee beans to choose from.
Cafe Aroma del cielo12/20/2020 ByJOSEPH CARROLL Si.Gracias
Aroma Del Cielo Bean11/24/2020 ByAnthony Roman Si vino, y el cafe es excelente. gracias por todo
Aroma del Cielo11/22/2020 ByAndre LaFlamme Yes, everything arrived, very quickly. Great coffees.
Aroma del Cielo Coffee06/29/2020 ByAlexander Molano Santiago Oh yes, the order arrived well and is being enjoyed by my friend!