La Finca Coffee Premium Bean 5 Lbs - Reviews

La Finca Coffee Premium Bean 5 Lbs

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average rating 100%
Hola! Yes, our coffee arrived later last week without incident. Thank you!! 08/30/2018
By James Russell

Yes, our coffee arrived later last week without incident.

Thank you!!
average rating 100%
La Finca Premium 06/11/2018
By Mitch Frazier
La Finca is a very smooth, almost creamy, full body bean! Great after dinner coffee! Love it!!
average rating 100%
The same San predro Coffee 06/05/2018
By Rosario Gutierrez
Si, muchas gracias por tan excelente servicio.
Have a Blessed Day!
average rating 100%
Yes, we receive the coffee. It tastes great. Thank you. 02/20/2018
By kevin ricciardo
Yes, we receive the coffee. It tastes great. Thank you.
average rating 100%
My favorite coffee 12/06/2017
By Priscilla Pastrana
La Finca Coffee, my favorite coffee!
average rating 100%
Fast shipping 10/23/2017
By Rosario Gutierrez
Great coffee
average rating 100%
Yes 10/21/2017
By Oleg Shokhov
Yes the good
average rating 100%
Great buy 10/30/2016
By Priscilla Pastrana
I tried Cafe La Finca, in my last trip to PR a few months ago and I loved its flavor. Then I found it in PR coffee shop and it was the best thing that happened to me. I bought the 5 lbs bag and it's the best option if you have a grinder. Now I have my tasty puertorrican coffee to enjoy!
average rating 100%
I received the order. We have been making espresso and drip coffee and really enjoying both. Its a great reminder for us, of our visit to Puerto Rico this past summer. Regards, 12/31/2015
By Gregg Alex
I received the order. We have been making espresso and drip coffee and really enjoying both. Its a great reminder for us, of our visit to Puerto Rico this past summer.


average rating 100%
Hola, yes the order has arrived! thank you very much! 10/30/2015
By Oleg Shokhov
Hola, yes the order has arrived! thank you very much!