Rico Espresso Coffee Whole Bean - 5 Lb - Reviews

Rico Espresso Coffee Whole Bean - 5 Lb

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average rating 100%
Good Coffee 07/29/2018
By Dale Labitzke
Good Coffee
average rating 100%
Rico! 05/11/2018
By Mitch
The Coffee Shop's service was amazing and their Rico Espresso arrived fast, fresh and bold! If you like a robust cup of coffee, you will love the Rico Espresso:)
average rating 100%
thank you very much! the coffee arrived....and thank you for following up on the delivery--- awesome customer service! 08/04/2017
By Simone Coulter
thank you very much!
the coffee arrived....and thank you for following up on the delivery--- awesome customer service!
average rating 100%
Addicting 😳 05/03/2016
By Steve
Coffee lovers, this is what espresso is all about, spot on !
average rating 100%
Best Coffee!! 11/18/2015
By Richard Cuevas
I lived in Puerto Rico for 25 years. Since I moved in 1983, I could not find good coffee, like the coffee from Puerto Rico. This Café Rico, has an excellent Flavor, strong but smooth. I could never find coffee like this!! By far the best coffee ever!!!!

Richard Cuevas
average rating 100%
Yes, thank you very much. Acts 4:12 09/02/2015
By steve walters
Yes, thank you very much.

Acts 4:12
average rating 100%
Yes it did arrive safely. Thanks for the prompt service 06/01/2015
By Stephen Poplaski
Yes it did arrive safely. Thanks for the prompt service
average rating 100%
Yes it did arrive safely. Thanks for the prompt service 06/01/2015
By Stephen Poplaski
Yes it did arrive safely. Thanks for the prompt service
average rating 100%
Hola ; Saludos , y si la orden me llego a tiempo y todo muy bien gracias. El cafe tiene un sabor muy bueno . Muchas grasias 03/03/2015
By Angel Valentin
Hola ;
Saludos , y si la orden me llego a tiempo y todo muy bien gracias. El cafe tiene un sabor muy bueno .
Muchas grasias
average rating 100%
Arrived, thank you very much... 03/07/2014
By steve walters
Arrived, thank you very much...