Cibales Premium Ground Coffee 10 oz - Reviews

Cibales Premium Ground Coffee 10 oz

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average rating 100%
ˇDelicioso! 09/19/2020
By DM Torres
Tastes like coffee should taste like, delicious!
average rating 100%
ˇDelicioso! 07/20/2020
By DM Torres
Puerto Rico Coffee Shop offers great service and great coffee! All the coffees ordered have been deliciosos.
average rating 100%
Cibales Ground 06/30/2020
By Arthur Birke
It did..Thankyou
average rating 100%
Cibales Coffee Premium 03/20/2020
By David Garcia
Yes it did arrive, gracias!
average rating 100%
Yes it did, thank you! 10/12/2017
By David Garcia
Yes it did, thank you!
average rating 100%
Yes they did. I might have to order more 04/11/2017
By Marcos Luna
Yes they did. I might have to order more
average rating 100%
Buen cafe 01/05/2016
By Carlos Maldonado
No se compara el cafe de Puerto Rico con los de otros Paises
average rating 100%
Sí, lo recibí tan rápido. ˇMil gracias! 12/28/2015
By Tara Kennedy
Sí, lo recibí tan rápido. ˇMil gracias!
average rating 100%
yes gracias 08/23/2015
By Carmen Ramirez-Vega
yes gracias
average rating 60%
its alright 08/10/2015
By Marcos Luna
It's alright, for me it had to much after taste.