Expreso Coffee11/02/2020 ByRobert Brossard yes, thank you
Expresso Coffee10/24/2020 ByROBERT S BROSSARD Thanks
very good10/02/2020 ByROBERT S BROSSARD While most PR coffee is roasted a little darker than "American" roast, it is too light for espresso or dark roast filter coffee. This fills that gap while not over roasted like some.
Expreso Coffee07/28/2019 Bysarah beals Gracias, esta aqui, y muy sabroso como siempre.
Excellent Expresso Bean Coffee02/11/2019 ByAnthony Fano This is the best expresso bean coffee that we have ever tasted. Would highly recommend it.
Excellent Espresso Coffee09/29/2018 ByAnthony Fano Tittle says it all, great bean espresso coffee.